Friday, November 04, 2005

my computer and me

digital photography and word art

Friday, October 14, 2005

the film strip

installation of photography (disposable Kodak camera)

the archaic video design

montage of pictures from magazines and word art of Bloc Party lyrics

Sunday, October 09, 2005

hangover and drunk

digital photography

Saturday, October 08, 2005

collecting the memory of another

installation of discarded diplome found on the street

What is decisive in collecting is that the object is detached from all its original functions in order to enter into the closest conceivable relation to things of the same kind. This relation is the diametric opposite of any utility, and falls into the peculiar category of completeness.

The true method of making things present is to represent them in our space (not to represent ourselves in their space.)

Collectors are beings with tactile instincts.

Collecting is a primal phenomenon of study the student collects knowledge.

Perhaps the most deeply hidden motive of the person who collects can be described this way: he takes up the struggle against dispersion.

Walter Benjamin, The Arcades Project



images from renaissance and turkish painting juxtaposed with images of celebrities with (non)sensical titles.


digital photography


digital photography

album covers

digital photography and computer design

series of album covers for imaginary bands. the second step of the project is imaginary reviews for the albums.

poster art

digital photography and computer design

poster for an imaginary record label and imaginary bands.